Currently 138 terms in the dictionary.
all-[adj] tota
always-[adj] mada
and- [conj] lim
answer-[n] tedan
as-[prep] nad
bake-[v] kabar
be- [v] (copula) ilir
because-[conj] ipanith
big-[adj] kime
book-[n] tim
boring-[adj] omon
boy-[n] lenda
brick-[n] dol
build-[v] balar
but-[conj] yim
call-[v] honer
cat-[n] fen
central-[adj] donak
city-[n] kimensel
come-[v] nanar
common-[adj] mino
computer-[n] cote
confuse-[v] miksar
correct- [adj] hanle
do-[v] lar
don't like-[v] nakanar
down-[prep] quiba
draw-[v] kikir
each other-[n] nalpen
east-[n] nanawel
eat-[v] taber
english-[n] egis-han
excite-[v] omor
fast-[adj] menta
find-[v] dakar
for-[prep] wan
French-[n] fran-han
from-[prep] kalin
fun-[adj] tadomo
girl- [n] genda
go-[v] ninar
happy-[adj] marne
hard-[adj] (texture) nimen
have-[v] timar
he- [pron] le-
heavens-[n] wilesev
hello-[int] niban
here-[n] tao
history-[n] mirda
house-[n] dun
I-[pron] la-
if-[prep] nap
impossible-[adj] madanked
in-[prep] pabo
instead of-[prep] kon
interesting-[adj] omo
it- [pron] go-
japanese-[n] japna-han
kind-[adj] asho
know-[v] limer
language- [n] han
learn-[v] gimer
leave-[v] kibahar
like- [v] kanar
live-[v] dunar
long ago [adj] inte
Lord-[n] Rodal
make-[v] liber
math-[n] wynda
mean-[adj] ashon
mortar-[n] yona
move-[v] latar
name-[n] meban
never-[adj] madan
next-[adj] ana
no- [int.] dia
none-[adj] lid
normal-[adj] eleme
north-[n] dadawel
now-[adj] kil
of-[prep] nik
over-[prep] reval
person-[n] tibad
place-[n] dab
plan-[n] lanap
pretty-[adj] mate
read-[v] kilar
reason-[n] ipan
rock-[n] nul
sad- [adj] marnen
same-[adj] dora
say-[v] halar
scatter-[v] nopar
science-[n] kedda
search-[v] lebar
see-[v] vir
settle-[v] nawar
she- [pron] ge-
slow-[adj] mentan
small-[adj] kimen
so-[conj] yara
soft-[adj] nime
south-[n] babawel
spanish-[n] span-han
speak- [v] hanar
speech-[n] ped
star-[n] gara
stop-[v] filir
strange- [adj] elemen
tar-[n] yame
teach-[v] ginar
that-[pron] dao
them-[pron] gove-
there is-[special] iman
there-[n] thao
they-[pron] lo-
this-[pron] bao
thorough-[adj] niba
to [prep] nimil
tower-[n] bima
tree-[n] bash
ugly-[adj] maten
understand-[v] nomar
use-[v] damar
we-[pron] lave-
west-[n] lalawel
what-[quest. Pron.] tem-
when-[? Pron.] mil-
where-[? Pron.] dar-
who-[quest. Pron.] ye-
whole-[adj] nala
why-[? Pron.] th'e-
with-[prep] lor
world-[n] sel
wrong- [adj] hanlen
yes- [int.] kia
you-[pron] ga-