Lesson 3: Modifiers

I.Stating Direction

This is very easy, just add the prefix listed below to the verb. Very simple.
to: yi
in: ma
II. Adverbs
In Hanathlier, the adjectives also serve as adverbs, rather than having completely different words, for example "fast" and "quickly." The adverbs are added after the verb, after the particle "hâl". Now, I will combine everything we have learned!!!
oye mo fen ne yipethälthir hâl pethä.
Direct Translation: I (mo) cat (ne) to run (hal) fast.
Translation: I run quickly to the cat.
III. Adjectives
Just add the adjective word before the noun being mofified. Very simple, no particles are necessary.
âshoye fä mo holeir ne holeinye.
Translation: Kind girl learned the lesson.
IV. Questions
This is so simple, I love it. If you want to make a question out of something, you don't have to completely change the sentence structure, just add "yem" at the end of the sentence! I love it!!!
hä mo âshoye ne mäthar yem?
1 exception (Eeeek) is that if the verb is in PAST TENSE (-nye) you morph the "yem" into a "lem" just because it is easier to the eyes/ears/mouth.
hä mo âshoye ne mäthanye LEM?

Remember, becuase of the particle, there is no need for a question mark, just use the standard swishy thing that you can see in the writing sample on the alphabet page. ^_^
V. Exercises
Translate and email to oatiepoa@aol.com. You may need to use the dictionary.
1. âshoyen cäther mo oye ne yishäir hâl pethän yem.
2. I liked the lesson (use the learned from form of lesson). (remember, there are no articles!!!)
3.Was it small?

Yay! You are finished with Lesson 3!!! Have you learned to write Hanathlier yet? Go to the alphabet page to find out how.