
-Dictionary- -Babel Text-
p,b,m,w,t,d,n,l,f,th(as in THin),v,th'(as in THen),k,q,g,ng,s,h,y,sh
All sounds are as in English.

a (fAther)
e (kElp)
i (machIne)
o (mOde)
u (mOOn)

ai (EYE)
ei (hAY)
ie (pIErre)
ao (OW)
ou (no english example... say "o" and "oo" and then blend together!)
uo (same as ^^ only say "oo" and "o" and blend.)

Basic Outline

-Verbs conjugate to: Past, Present, Future
-Verb Cases: Obligation, noun-maker, completement, desire
-Questions formed by adding particle, no question words.
-XYZ if x=complete Predicate y=complete subject z=complete verb
-Compound Sentence: XYZ(particle)(X)(Y)Z
-Adjectives conjugate to the negative.
-Nouns can conjugate to adjectives, or in english "Participles" (-ing)
-Pronouns are a prefix to verb.


Some vocab

I= la-
you= ga-
he= le-
she= ge-
Copula ("to be")= ilir

Verb Conjugation

Past: Drop final "r" and add "-nye"
Present: Drop final "r" add "-th"
Future: drop final "r" add "m"


Are added to front of verb.
EX: "I am" = la-ilith
EX: "She was" = ga-ilinye


to: nimil
in: pabo
tree: bash
house: dun
run: mikir
EX: "I run to tree" = nimil bash la-mikith. (To tree I run)
EX: "She ran in house" = pabo dun ga-mikinye. (In house she ran)


kind: asho
mean: ashon
girl: genda
boy: lenda
Adjectives are made negative by adding an "n" to the end of the word. They are placed BEFORE the noun they describe.
EX: "Mean boy runs to tree" = Nimil bash ashon lenda mikith.
EX: "Kind girl ran in house" = Pabo dun asho genda mikinye.


There is no distinction between Adjectives and Adverbs, other than their placement in the sentence.
fast: menta
slow: mentan
EX: "Mean boy runs slowly to tree" = Nimil bash ashon lenda mikith mentan.
EX: "Nice girl ran fast in house" = Pabo dun asho genda mikith menta.


Simply add the particle "wa" at the beginning of the sentence.

Interrogative Pronouns

Who: ye-
What: te-
When: mil-
Where: da-
Why: th'e-
EX: "Who ran?" = wa ye-mikinye.
EX: "What is tree?" = wa bash te-ilith
EX: "Where is ugly house?" = wa maten dun da-ilith


To pluralize consonant ending Noun: add "-ev"
EX: houses = dun-ev
To pluralize vowel ending noun: add "-ve"
EX: girls = genda-ve

"Special" Words

iman: "there is..." or "... exists" (Like Spanish "Hay" and Japanese "Imasu")
Verb Cases

Obligatory ("I must ..." or "Do ...") "-ber"
Noun (Makes verb a noun when word isn't present) "-nam"
Completement ("Finished with...") "-kamir"
Desire (Want to...) "-dar"
---To change the tense of a case verb, conjugate the case suffix as you would a normal verb. Leave the verb in its infinitive form.
EX: "I must eat" = La-taber-beth.
EX: "She finished eating" = Ge-taber-kaminye.
EX: "She will finish eating" = Ge-taber-kamim.
EX: "I want to eat" = La-taber-dath


Iman genda. Asho genda ilith. Fen ge-timath. Ashon fen ilith. Mada fen taber-dath. Fen la-nakanath. Nimil dun genda mikith. Fen ge-kibahath. Marne genda ilith. Marne fen ilith. Madan fen ge-vim.

Direct Translation:
There is girl. Nice girl is. Cat she has. Mean cat is. Always cat eat wants to. Cat I don't like. To house girl runs. Cat she leaves. Happy girl is. Happy cat is. Never cat she will see [again].

Nimil garave la-vith lim wan tedanev la-lebath. Wa iman tedanev dakar? Wa lo-dakam? Wa madanked go-ilith?

Direct Translation:
To stars I look and for answers I search. Are [there] answers to find? They will be found? (Will they be found?) Impossible it is? (Is it impossible?)